D’Orsie Bill Would Keep Free Speech in Higher Education Free

Feb. 09, 2023 /

HARRISBURG – The formative college years are supposed to be a time to hear and consider differing viewpoints and to forge one’s ideals and worldview in an environment that’s friendly to free speech and expression. This fact is why Rep. Joe D’Orsie (R-Manchester) plans to introduce legislation to protect free speech on college campuses in Pennsylvania.

Grove, Klunk and D’Orsie Announce Funding for Conservation Projects

Jan. 12, 2023 /

HARRISBURG – Three conservation projects in York County will receive nearly $1.2 million in funding through the Growing Greener Plus Program, House Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover), Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) and Rep. Joe D’Orsie (R-Manchester) announced.

D'Orsie To Take Oath of Office Jan. 3

Dec. 30, 2022 /

WHAT: Newly elected Rep. Joe D'Orsie (R-Manchester) will be sworn into office to serve as the state representative of the 47th Legislative District.

EDITORIAL: The Twitter Files – Let us Not Soon Forget

Dec. 21, 2022 /

For something as utterly decisive and damning as the first several installments of the “Twitter Files,” it’s very intriguing to see the Left scramble to assuage, debunk, and account for the clearly inappropriate and possibly treasonous activity of the then rogue social media company, Twitter.